what are sister and non sister chromatids???????

Sister chromatids:  Definition for sister chromatids is, Two identical strands joined by a common centromere as a result of a chromosome that duplicated during the S phase of the cell cycle. Sister chromatids are separated during mitosis so that the two daughter cells would have identical sets of chromosomes. 

Non sister chromatids: Definition for non sister chromatids is, Either of the two chromatids of any of the paired (homologous) chromosomes. Non-sister (homologous) chromatids form chiasma(ta) to exchange genetic material during meiosis (i.e. Prophase I).

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Sister chromatids : Sister chromatids are two daughter strands of a single replicated chromosome. They are connected by a centromere. The information they carry will be exactly same.

Non sister chromatids : Nonsister chromatids are two daughter strands of homologous chromosomes. The nonsister chromatid will carry the same type of genetic information, but not exactly the same information.

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Here is the answer to your question,


Sister Chromatid
Non-Sister Chromatid
Sister chromatids are identical to each other
Nonsister chromatids are not identical to each other as they represent different but homologous chromosomes.
During S phase of the cell cycle the DNA is replicated and an identical copy of the chromatid is made. These two chromatids are then called sister chromatids.
The non-sister chromatid will carry the same type of genetic information, but not exactly the same information.
Hope this helps,

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