what are determines? plz upload in class 8 with videos........

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I hope your query is what are determiners.....

The answer is as given below :-

determineris aword,phraseoraffixthat occurs together with anounornoun phraseand serves to express thereferenceof that noun or noun phrase in the context. That is, a determiner may indicate whether the noun is referring to a definite or indefinite element of a class, to a closer or more distant element, to an element belonging to a specified person or thing, to a particular number or quantity, etc. Common kinds of determiners include definite and indefinitearticles(like the Englishtheandaoran),demonstratives(thisandthat),possessive determiners(myandtheir), andquantifiers(many,fewandseveral). See examples in the box on the right; and seeEnglish determinersandEnglish articles.

  • Thegirl isastudent.
  • I've lostmykeys.
  • Somefolks get alltheluck.
  • Whichbook is that?
  • I only hadthirty-sevendrinks.
  • I'll takethisone.
  • Bothwindows were open

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