What are comets? give one example.

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A comet is an icy small solar system body that, whaen passing close to the sun, warms start releasing gases ,a process called outgassing. Yhe are made up of ice and dust. It has a tail and a head. When ut goes closer to the sun the tail increases in the size.
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Hailley's comet will occur in year 2062.
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Comet :

a celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and, when near the sun, a ?tail? of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun.

A well known examples of comets is Halley's comet.
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comet is a small celesial body which consist of ice and dust and gases. Eg Haileys and Encke 
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Comets are the glowing celestial bodies revolving around the sun in elongated orbits 
FOR eg. Halleys comet
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