Was the 12-year old girl blind ???

Dear student,

The twelve year old was not blind, she was simply playing the role of a blind person for blind day for that particular term. This enabled the child to understand misfortune, and how everything in the world is not perfect, and that people suffer miseries such as not having ability to see. 



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Could you ask properly?
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of course not
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In which chapter? IT Seems to be incorrect dear friend?
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Which chapter
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Could you please ask your question properly?
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no she was not blind she is only playing on her blind day
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Dear Student,
Please re-check your Question and ask it again...
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which chapter this  question is ?
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12 years old girl Hari Bhimaraju Creates Tools and Technology for the Visually Impaired [Blind].
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what had u written ??? can't understand
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which 12year old girl? abt whom u r talking?
please specify@priya...
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the lesson A different kind of school. And 12 years old girl 's name is 
 Miss beam.
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Please specify your answer as this question seems to be incomplete...

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