uses of mercury and iodine?

Mercury is used in laboratories for making thermometers, barometers, diffusion pumps, and many other instruments. It is used for mercury switches and other electrical apparatus. It is used as an electrode in some types of electrolysis and for making batteries (mercury cells).
  • iodide, and thyroxin which contains iodine, are used internally in medicine. A solution of KI and iodine in alcohol is used as a disinfectant for external wounds.
  • silver iodide is used in photography
  • nutrient
added to table salt for nutrition

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mercury is a liquid metal and it is used to hold the kink in the thermometer
iodine is used to check the reaction and is a solution
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Nice dp
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And by the mercury is used in thermometer
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Mecury is used in a thermometre and iodine is used in the preparation of medicines .
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