Tomorrow is my exam
Answer this pls ASAP
Extract based questions.
Custard the dragon had big Sharp teeth,
And spikes on top of him and scales underneath,
Mouth like a fireplace. chimney for a nose.
And really, truly daggers on his toes.
(a) What do the above lines tell us?
(b) What do these lines describe?
(c) Who was custard?
(d) What did Belinda think about him?

A) these lines tells us that belinda has a dragon as a pet.
B)these lines describes the characteristics of the dragon.
C)custard was ppet draagon of belinda a girl.
B)belinda thought he was a coward and loved to be in his cage
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a) These lines are the physical characteristics of the dragon(Custard).
b) These lines describe how Custard the dragon looks.
c) Custard was the dragon and a pet of Belinda.
d) Belinda thought he was a coward and he always prefered privacy(safe cage)
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