The shadow of a vertical tower on level ground increases by 16 m when the altitude of the sun changes from angle of elevation 60 degree to 45 degree.Find the height of the tower,correct to one place of decimal.(Take root 3=1.73)


Let AB be the vertical tower. Let its height be h m.

CD = 16 m  (given)

Let BC = x m.



So, the height of tower is 37.9 m (approx)

  • 13

 Let the vertical tower tower be AB and the sun's altitude at C and D be 60degrees and 45degree

now CD =16 m  and let BC be xm , In ABC AB/BC = tan 60 = root 3

AB = x root 3       - 1

In ABD AB/BD = tan 30 = 1/root3

x root 3/16+x = 1 ( from 1)

x root 3= 16 + x

x root 3 - x = 16

x( root 3 - 1) = 16

x = 8(root 3 + 1)   ------2

Height = x root 3

             = 8 root 3(root 3 + 1) (from 2)

              = 24 + 8 root 3 = 24 + 8 * 1.73= 24 + 13.84 = 37.84 m ( approx) 

  • -2

If I had solved it correctly then you can give me a thumbs up.I truly need it.

  • -6

But there is no use of tan 30 as the degrees are 60 and 45.pls correct..

  • 0
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