the seeds of X and Y are put in a vessel containing water and kept overnight.the seeds are then removed from water,wrapped in a piece of wet cloth and kept aside for one day.water is sprinkled on the piece of cloth from time to time.on opening the wrap,it is found that the seeds are converted into Z having tiny white structures.
[a]what could the seeds X and Y be?
[b]what is the general name of Z?
[c]what are the tiny white structures in Z which grow out of the seeds?
[d]in what way Z is a more nutrious food than X and Y?

The answers for the given questions are :
[1] x and why could be moon dal and green gram respectively
[2] z is the sprouted seeds
[3] The tiny white structures is the small plant coming out of the seed
[4] Z is more nutrious  than X and Y because sprouted seeds have more nutritient in them than the normal seeds.

  • 13
X and y are seeds
  • -2
A tiny white structre
  • -2
Z is a tiny white structure
  • 0
1]x could be green gram and y could be moong dal
2] z are sprouted seeds
3] dont know[sorry]
4] z is sprouted so it has more vitamins in it
  • -1
May my answer helps you!
  • 6
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