The perimeters of two.similar.triangles are 15cm and 24cm respectively. Find.the ratio of their respective areas.

We know that the ratio of 2 similar triangles is equal to the ratio of their corresponding sides.


Perimeter of the 1st ?/Perimeter of the 2nd?? = Side of the 1st??/Side of the 2nd??

? 15/24 = Side of the 1st??/Side of the 2nd ?

? Side of the 1st ?/Side of the 2nd ? = 5/8

Also, we know that the ratio of areas of 2 similar triangles is equal to the squares of the ratio of their corresponding sides.


Area of 1st??/Area of 2nd?? = (Side of 1st??/Side of 2nd ?)?

? (5/8)?

= 25/64

= 25 : 64

= ratio=25:64

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