The circumference of a circle exceeds its diameter by 16.8 cm. Find the circumfrence of the circle.

Let the radius of the circle be r cm.

Given, Circumference of a circle = Diameter of the circle + 16.8 cm

∴ 2πr = 2+ 16.8 cm

Circumference of the circle = 

  • 33
let the radius of the circle be r cm.
given,circumference of the circle=diameter+16.8
therefore 2 pi.r = 2*r+6.8

circumference of the circle=
  • 55
  • -1
  • 13
hey...pls give thumbs up if it helps..okay!!!!
  • 14
  • 0
Thumbs up Plzz it will be very helpful for me!!!!!👍🏻

  • 17
Hey!! Thumbs up Plzz!!😇👍🏻
  • 1
Here is the answer

  • 16
In this question I have find diameter but we can find circumference too Thumbs up plzzz..!!

  • 3
  • 1
Answer this now itself please

  • -1
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