(Star Ducks) Compare and contrast the character of Mr. Rafferty with that of the Alsops quoting examples from the text

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can i get the answer as soon as possible
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  1. Mr. Rafferty​
  • Rude, proud, arrogant, self-centered as in "I'm Rafferty from the TIMES." 
  • Unprepared as in "...I've got to phone-I've got to get a photographer!"
  • Particular as in "....and stood there noting every detail."
  • Sceptical as in "Ward Rafferty sensed a hoax as soon as he saw the Alsop Place. There was no crowd of curious farmers standing around, no ambulance."​​​
  • Impatient as in "I want the camera!"
  • Judgemental as in "Mr Alsop, you didn't build this thing, did you?", "Local Farmer Builds Rocket Ship For Moon Voyage!"
  1. The Alsops
  • ​​Inarticulate as in "Oh, sure. I got a fine camera. It's a box camera but it takes good pictures. Only trouble is, haven't got any film for it."
  • Humourous as in "You mean the bones? We gave the bones to the dog. That was five years ago. Even the dog's dead now. I know where his bones are though."
  • Humble as in "You can go out to the barn and have a look."
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Rafferty was very ambitious and proud
  • 2
Character appa mam
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