some scientists claim that there was life on mars. is it really true? or its all nonsense.

The results of  missions to mars held long ago like Viking 1 and Viking 2 did not give any such proof which would show any signs of life on Mars .Till now the search is going on for evidence that would give any conclusion regarding the existance of life on mars.Mars has many similarities to earth.The size of the ice caps vary there with time.Though a year on mars is longer than on earth but the span of a day on both the planets is nearly the same.Also there is a possibility of different seasons on mars just as on earth due to their tilts being similar.All these similarities lead scientists to look for evidences of life on earth's neighbour, Mars.Apart from looking for the fact that if their is any life on Mars presently, NASA is also searching for traces of any civilisation that might have existed on Mars.The  Curiosity rover , so far has given the news that there was existance of some lake and minerals like nitrogen,oxygen,sulphur,hydrogen etc on the suface of Mars.This leads to the very obvious possibility  that the water might have supported bacteria at some point of time.Further, organic molecules and signs of things giving the appearance of bacteria were found on a meteor from Mars.Antarctica was hit by the meteor.But at the same time the atmosphere of the red planet is very cold.So , overall there is no conclusion till today that whether there have been ever any life form on Mars or whether there is actually some kind of habitat in or whether there is no life at all.The research is going on to discover the truth.

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it is some true and some not true . there is no perfect answer

thumps up

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Its easy to get excited about the prospect of finding life on Mars—so easy that scientists have been getting worked up again and again and again and again over the past century and more. But its also easy to get too excited. NASA, for one, has learned from experience that announcing evidence even for long-extinct life on the Red Planet is a risky business, since its so easy to be wrong.

Thats why the agency is being so careful about a suite of reports from the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), better known as the Curiosity rover, which has been sniffing around the Red Planet since its August, 2012 landing. The six papers, just published in Science, make no claim that theyve found even the slightest evidence of life.

But what they have found is hugely important nonetheless: convincing evidence of a lake that rippled on the Martian surface some 3.6 billion years ago and that would have provided a fertile habitat for bacterial life—assuming the bacteria were actually there. This environment would have been almost earthlike, says Caltech planetary scientist and MSL project scientist John Grotzinger, in terms of geochemistry and in the presence of water.

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