solve Q 14 plz dont give link

solve Q 14 plz dont give link 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Consider the points P(2,—4); Q(4,—2) and R(7, I The points Y (A) form an equilateral triangle (B) form a right angled triangle (C) form an isosceles triangle which is not equilateral (D) are collinear. A triangle has two of its vertices at (0,1) and (2,2) in the cartesian plane. Its third vertex lies on the x-axis. Ifthe area of the triangle is 2 square units then the sum of the possible abscissae of the third vertex, is- A point P(x,y) moves so that the sum of the distance from P to the coordinate axes is equal to the distance from P to the point A(I, I). The equation of the locus of P in the first quadrant is Let A(2,—3) and B(—2,1) be vertices of a AABC. If the centroid of AABC moves on the line 2x + 3y —l, then the locus of the vertex C is- (B) 2x -3y=7 (A) 2x + 3y = 9 (D) 3x - 2y=3 A stick of length 10 units rests against the floor and a wall ofa room. Ifthe stick begins to slide on the floor then the locus of its middle point is : (A) x2 + = 2.5 (B) x2 + Y2 = 25 (c) + = 100 (D) none Given the points A(0,4) and B(0,—4), the equation of the locus of the point P such that IAP—

Dear Student,

Let the vertex of triangle be A(0,1), B(2,2) and C(a,b)since vertex C lies on x-axis. hence y=0therefore coordinates of C(a,0)Now area of triangle=12×011221a01 12×0×2×1-1×0-1×2×1-a×1+1×2×0-2×a12×0×2-1×2-a+1×-2×a12×0-1×2-a+1×-2×a12×a-2-2a12×-2-a12×-1×2+a122+a=2 because area of triangle is given as 22+a=4a=2   --1because the mod can accept two values 2+a and -2-a.Hence 12-2-a=2-2-a=4-a=6a=-6  --2Adding possible values of a from equation 1 and 22-6=-4Hence the sum of abscissae (possible values of a)=-4
Option A is correct


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