Sam has three sons Tom,Bob and Tim.Tom has two daughters Mina and Beena. Beena is two years older than Mina.Tom"s age is thrice larger of Beena age.Bob and tim are elder than Tom by 1 and 2 years rspectivaly. Grandpa"s sons age is 1year more than 2 times Tim"s age.Grandpa celebrated his 65th birthday Today. Find Beena"s age?

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

Given : Grandpa's age 65  , given  :Grandpa's age is 1 year more than 2 times Tim's age , So

2 ( Tim's age ) + 1 = 65 ,

2 ( Tim's age ) = 64 ,

Tim's age  =  32

Also given  :  Tim is elder than Tom by  2 years , So

Tom's age  =  32 - 2 =  30

Also given : Tom's age is thrice larger of Beena age  , So

Beena's age  = 30/3 = 10 years                                          ( Ans )

Hope this information will clear your doubts about topic.

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  • -2
beena is 10 yrs old....coz grandpa is 65..32+32 =64+1=65....tim age is 32 ....bob is 1 year older than tom and tim is 2 years older than tom=30....tom is thrice of beena tom is thrice of 10....thus, beena is 10 yrs old
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