respiratory organs of various animals

 body surface, gills, lungs & moist skin

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Fish and most aqatic organisms- gills

all terrestrial organisms - lungs

organisms like earthworm - body surface

moist skin - frogs (frogs breath through the moist skin under water),

  hope its clear. 

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Body surface − Examples: sponges, coelenterates, etc.
Gills − Examples: aquatic arthropods and fishes
Lungs − Example: terrestrial forms (reptiles, birds, and mammals)
Moist Skin − Example: earthworm, frogs also respire through skin when present in the moist area, etc.
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Body surface - Invertebrates like sponges , coelentrates, flatworms etc., exchange O2 and CO2 through simple diffussion. 

Earthworm use their moist cuticle and insects have a network of tracheal tubes to transport atmospheric air within the body.

Gills are ysed by Arthropodsand Molluscs

Lungs are used by terrestial forms for the exchange of gases.


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breathing organ of crocodile

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What is the major difference between lungs of birds and other vertebrates ?
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Mechanism of breathing : During inhalation or inspiration 1. Contraction of intercostal muscles 2.diaphragm moves downwards or diaphragm contracts 3. Ribs and sternum raised 4. Volume of thorax increased 5. Air will move inside lungs because of preassure gradient . During exhalation or expiration 1. Relaxation of intercostal muscles 2. Diaphragm moves upwards or diaphragm relaxed and arched upwards 3. Ribs and sternum returned to original position 4.volume of thorax decreased 5. Air will move out from lungs because of pressure gradient ...
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1. Lower organisms like sponges , coelenterates , flatworms ,etc exchange O2 with CO2 by simple diffusion over their entire body surface . 2. Earthworm use their moist cuticle . 3. Insects have network of tubes to transport atmospheric air within the body . 4. Arthropods uses gills 5. Molluscs uses lungs ..
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In the human heart, contraction is initiated by a special modified heart muscle known as sinoatrial node. It is located in the right atrium. The SA node has the inherent power of generating a wave of contraction and controlling the heart beat. ... The hearts of vertebrates and molluscs are also myogenic.
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sponges cnidarians colentrates flatworms earthworm frog are the cutaneous breathers . Aquatic artropods mollucs fishes tadpole larva are branchial breathers. Humans(Mammals) are pulmonary breathers
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Respiration in Animals
Through Plasma Membrane. In unicellular animals, such as amoeba, exchange of gases takes place through cell surface. ...
Through Body Wall or Skin. Tapeworms, earthworms, and leeches use their skin for the exchange of gases. ...
Through Tracheal System. ...
Through Gills. ...
Through lungs.
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Body surface?? Examples: sponges, coelenterates, etc.


Gills?? Examples: aquatic arthropods and fishes


Lungs?? Example: terrestrial forms (reptiles, birds, and mammals)


Moist Skin?? Example: earthworm, frogs also respire through skin when present in the moist area, etc.
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