Read ‘The Diary of a Young Girl’ Book 1 (From pages A1 – A 144) in detail and answer the

following questions in about 120 words each.
1. How does Ann start her diary? What does she describe in her diary in the beginning?
How does she mature through the course of her diary entries? Elaborate. ( June 14 1942
– July 8 1942)
2. Why were the Franks forced to hide? How did Ann and other members manage
themselves? What sort of relationship did she have with other inmates? ( July 9, 1942 –
Nov 9, 1942 )
3. What were the rules that were to be followed by everyone in the Annexe?What was
Ann’s state of mind at this time? What was her opinion about the adults there? ( Nov 9,
1942 – May 18, 1943 )
4. How did Ann describe the day of bombing in her diary entry? ( 13 June 1943 –Aug 3,
1943 )
5. “A new idea: during meals I talk more to myself than to the others, which has two
advantages.” What were these advantages? ( Aug 4, 1943 – Jan 6, 1944)
6. Write brief character sketches of :
Ann Frank
Mr. Vann Daan
Margot Frank.
Mr. Albert Dussel
7. How did Ann describe the character of Mrs. Van Daan in her letter dated July 29, 1943.
8. Describe the night preparations that Ann made every evening before going to bed?
9. What was the cause of the fight between Mr.andMrs Van Daan?
10. Give a brief account of the discussion between Mrs Van Daan and MrDussel over the
upbringing of Ann in the context of a book.


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i want the answer 

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all the answers are directly give in the book, its just a matter of intelligent reading...i'll give you a tip : jot the important points as you go and on the day before exams, just revise through them and you'll be confident enough to answer them :)

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all the answers are directly give in the book, its just a matter of intelligent reading...i'll give you a tip : jot the important points as you go and on the day before exams, just revise through them and you'll be confident enough to answer them :)

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heelooo jinu :)

i got the ans of your 5th question........ locate the lines of the answer on diary entry of TUESDAY,AUGUST 10,1943!! hope it will help you :D

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character sketches are given on the first page of novel itself !

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@ varya i dnt think its enough ........... i guess you have to write more about it :/

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follow thebook and you will get it
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Yeah , u can just highlight important lines with something and it will make it wayy easier for you to go through the book before the exams , instead of reading thru the WHOLE page ... ;)

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i want the answers please . its urgent, i have my exams tomorrow
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your friend is likely to be an rebel every time I do not like her attitude write a diary entry
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