rd sharma maths solution of 9th class

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  • -5

point A , B are on the opposite side of a line l. AD is perpendicular to l and BE is perpendicular to l, meet l in D and E respectively. C is the mid point of AB. Prove that CD is equal to CE

  • -2

represent root 9.3 on real line

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represent root 9.3 on real number
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Rd sharma with solution
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If you have meritnation app then its ok. You have to go to study section, select maths subject, go to textbook solutions and you will see three books which are ncert, rs aggarwaland rd sharma which you want. But you can view solutions only with internet or if you are online. And if you want view the solutions offline or without Internet connection then firstly you download the app of ncert solutions from gogle play store which is also an app of meritnation company.In that app downloading facility of all chapters is provided. So after downloading that app from google play store, you have to login with your meritnation account or sign up if you are a new user. Then go to maths subject, three books wull be shown which are ncert,rsaggarwal and rd sharma which you want. Then download the which you want. Then after downloading the desired chapter you can view solutions of rd sharma book even without using internet. I hope the suggestion was useful for all of you.
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If x= ? a+ 2b - ? a- 2b ? ? a+2b - ? a - 2b prove that bx2 - ax+ b = 0
  • -3
You can take the Rd sharma reference book chapter-1 number system

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Represent 9.4 , 3.4 on the line
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