Ques122 how to do such ques

Ques122 how to do such ques lemak ganH(Vhytc. (4) Number of cens are more in female gaurtophyte Of polygonum as to fanale gaur«vhyle Pinus. 122. Represented t*low is tix' inheritance pattern a certain traits in human, Of ionowiug conditicm could an Of this Female Male son- Colomblindness of (4)

Dear student

Please refer the solution below for the said query

The correct option is (2).

The diagram shows equal incidence of genetic disorder in males and females.

The  thalassemia is autosomal recessive disease and there are equal chances for males and females to get the disorder.

However, the haemophilia, hypertrichosis, colour blindness​ are X - linked recessive diseases which have chances of occuring more common in males than females. 

Hope this information clears your doubt about the topic.


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