Q9) "33% area should be under forest". Justify the statement highlighting the environmental values of forests.


The forest cover in India is increasing, but is still lower than the targeted 33% of the total geographical area under the country’s forest policy, India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2019, the total forest and tree cover in the country is 8,07,276 square kilometres, which is 24.56% of the total geographical area.The Forest Survey of India has been assessing the forest and tree resources of the country on a biennial basis since 1987.
According to international standards, the forest cover in a country should be 33 percent of the total geographical area. However, the forest cover in India is estimated at 637,293 sq. km, which is 19.39 percent of the total geographical area.
a. The following points sum up the environmental values of forests. If a country does not have a 33 percent geographical area under forest it may lead to poor quality of support system,water, air, and soil.
b. Forests preserve the genetic diversity of plants and animals.
c. The forest ecosystem is the storehouse of valuable forest products, minerals, and other resources.

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