Q6 What was the impact of the First world war on European and German society?


The First World War which occurred from 1914 to 1918 had the following impact on European and German society
  • The First World war brought great destruction to human lives and property.
  • The First world war gave rise to capitalism. prices of commodities increased and a wide spread starvation prevailed.Taxes were increased. Many factories and industries were set up.
  • Economic burden had to bore by European and German society.
  • Monarchy was replaced by democracy in many countries. People's rights were being recognised.
  • The position of women improved. Religious dogmas were eradicated. The narrow minded radicalism got submerged and a sense of unity developed among the people.The minds of the people broadened.

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The First World War left a deep imprint on European society and polity. It had a devastating impact on the entire continent which is stated in the following points (i) Soldiers were ranked higher than civilians in the society. Trench life of the soldiers was glorified by the media.
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