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This isn't easy as it seems! Please!
Q.4. In A B C ,   D E B C so that AD = (7x - 4) cm, AE = (5x - 2) cm, DE = (3x + 4) cm and EC = 3x cm. Then find the value of x.

Dear student
Given: DEBC.There seems to be mistake in the question, Instead of DE=3x+4 it will be DB=3x+4So, BPT theorem.ADDB=AEEC7x-43x+4=5x-23x21x2-12x=15x2-6x+20x-86x2-26x+8=03x2-13x+4=03x2-12x-x+4=03xx-4-1x-4=03x-1x-4=03x-1=0 or x-4=0x=13 or x=4

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