Q. Construct a rhombus MNOP whose one side MN = 3.5 cm and one diagonal MO= 6 cm.

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MNOP is a rhombus MN= 3.5 cm Diagonal MO = 6 cm
MN=NO=OP=PO = 3.5 cm since all sides of rhombus are equal

1) Draw a line segment MN = 3.5
2) with N as centre draw an arc with radius 3.5 cm (NO=3.5 cm)
3) with M as centre draw an arc with radius 6 cm( MO=6 cm)  such that it intersects the arc drawn in step 2
The point of intersection is O
4) Join N and O.
5) With M as centre and 3.5 cm is radius( MP=3.5 cm)  draw an arc
6) With O as centre and 3.5 cm is radius( OP=3.5 cm)  draw an arc, such that it intersects the arc in step 5, the point of intersection is P
7) Join MP and OP

We have drawn rhombus MNOP
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