Q.1. A .When did my Childhood go?
Was it the time I realized that adults were not
All they seemed to be,
They talked about love and preached of love,
But did not act so lovingly!
a. Who is 'my' in the above lines.
b. What change does the child face as his childhood goes?
c. What is the hypocrisy of the adults in the given lines?

Dear Student,
a. 'My' in the above lines is the poet, Markus Natten.
b. As poet's childhood went, he lost the innocence and purity of his childhood and realised that adults only faked love and did not actually practise it. 
c. Poet feels that adults are hypocritical about love because they don't really have true love for others.

Hope this information clears your doubts about this topic. 


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