prove that line segment joining the points of contact of two parallel tangents is the diameter of the circle


Let tangent l is parallel to tangent m and A and B are its points of intersection with circle of center O and radius r.

To Prove : AB is the diameter

Let l and m meet at some point P

Then in quadrilateral AOBP

∠AOB + ∠OAP + ∠OBP + ∠APB = 360° ......(2)

We know that tangents to a circle is perpendicular to the radius

⇒ OA ⊥ l and OB ⊥ m

⇒ ∠OAP = 90° and ∠OBP = 90° .........(3)

Since l ||

∠APB = 0° ........(4)

From (2), (3) and (4)

∠AOP + 90° + 90° + 0° = 360°

⇒ ∠AOB = 360° – 180° = 180°

AB = AO + OB = r + r = 2r = Diameter 

Hence AB is the diameter of the circle.

  • -25

It is the diameter because the allied angles are equal to 90o. This means twio radii are joined to form a straight line which is the diameter.



  • 20
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