plz solve Q10 , Q11 ,Q12 ,Q13

plz solve Q10 , Q11 ,Q12 ,Q13 10. 12. 13 Calculate Marginal rate of transformation. Giving feason C emment on the shap•: of Production Possibilitv Curve based on the töllou schedule: Possibility Good - A 0 B 95 c 2 85 D 3 70 E 25 Ram lives in a tniddle class small family His consumes 5 kg. salt in at tnc of Rs. 10 per kg. If price increase to KS. per kg. Will thec be anÜ on consumption of salt by Ram? Why / Why not? What is the elasticity ofsalt according to you? If Ram •s income gets double, how it will affect his consttmption? Find ggvmodc fiom the 10110win data: C lass Intena! Freyygps•y 10-20 20-30 2 30-40 40-50 4 so-60 7 Calculate price index number fiom the foilmsin ' usin rice relative method. 3 Colntnodllies A Price in 2015 80 Price in 2016 1 10 i 20 40 c D 40 60 170 180 240 260

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