Pls ans this ques fast SCIENCE
Q2. (a) In the following food chain, 100J is available to the lion. How much energy available to the producer?
Plant->     Deer  ->          Lion
 (b) The number of trophic levels in a chain is limited". Give reasons to justify this statement.

Dear student,            
Please find below the solution to the asked query         
a. The producer in this food chain had 10,000 J of energy (according to 10% law of energy transfer). 

According to 10% law of energy transfer, only 10% of the energy from one level goes to the next level, that is, in case of plants, only 10% of their energy is transferred to the primary consumers or herbivores. This process continues. Since so little energy is transferred from one level to another, the big carnivores get only a very little energy and here the trophic level stops as 10% of such a small amount of energy cannot sustain another life.         

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.   
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10000,to producer The energy in the last tropic level was decreased to zero (2)biological magnification would be very high at the end
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According to 10% law, in a food chain, only 10% of the total energy is transferred to the next topic level.

Let the deer have x Joule of energy. Then:

10% of x=100 J

x=1000 J

Thus the deer has received 1000 J of energy from the plant.

Similarly you can calculate the energy available to the producer as 10000 J.

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