Please explain this transfer of sperms line. What is meant by eggs in situ?
Please explain this transfer of sperms line. What is meant by eggs in situ? w in the body of sponges. Following are the functions of canal system in the sponges . ) Food gathering : The food of sponges consists chiefly of plankton, i.e., microscopic animals, plants and organic particles present in the water. The food is gathered with the help of canal system and after entering the body, food is captured by the choanocytes for digestion. 'i) Respiratory exchange : There are no special respiratory structures in the sponges so the exchange of 02 and CO occurs through the water entering and going out with the help of canal system. iii) Removal of waste : The undigested residue and the metabolic waste ; chiefly ammonia (NH3), are eliminated out with the water through oscula (sing : osculum). (iv) Transfer of sperms : Sperms from one sponge enter other sponges with the help of water and fertilise in itu. Hence their transfer is facilitated by the water transport system. the e So it is very clear that water transport system is very crucial for the sponges and helps in nutrition, respiration, excretion and reproduction. Knowledge Cloud rate of flow of H20 in sponges! body is very slow and is about 0.01 mm/sec. Digestion : Sponges are the filter-feeders as the microvilli of collar cells filter the microscopic plants and animals from the water entering the body. These food particles are then taken up by the choanocytes into their food vacuoles and -digested thereafter within these vacuoles. This shows that the dige ti intracellular in sponges as the food is digested within the food vacuoles inside the cells. Educational Services Ltd. Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, Plot No.-4, Sector-II , Dwarka

Eggs in situ means inside the body of sponge...the sperms travel through water canal system from a sponge to other sponge resulting in internal fertilization in sponges

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