Please answer this !!!?


The correct option is option D.

Prostate and Seminal vesicles. It is alkaline in nature. (i)Semen facilitates the locomotion of sperms and (ii)semen contains

fructose which provides nutrition to the sperms. 

BulboUrethral Gland(or Cowper's glands):-It helps in lubrication .It also helps in neutralizing the acidity of vagina.
The Cowper’s glands is pea sized gland that is located near the prostate gland The gland produce a fluid that is released before ejaculation that neutralises any acid(uric acid) present that may be left in the urethra. This fluid acts as a lubricant.   One of the main role of prostate is to squeeze fluid into the urethra   This fluid, which helps make up semen, energizes the sperm(citric acid) and makes the vaginal canal less acidic.

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Fluid make easier transportation of sperms
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