Please answer this question

Please answer this question   The pie-chart below shows the result of a survey carried out to find the modes of travel used by the children to go to school. Study the pie-chart and answer the questions that follow _ Modes of transport used bv the children (a) What is the most common mode of transport? (b) What fraction of children travel by car? (c) If 18 children travel by car, how many children took part in the (d) How many children use taxi to travel to school?

Dear student

a) the central angle is maximum for bus ,hence bus is the most commonmode of transport.b) Fraction of children travel by car=90360=14c)   Fraction of children travel by car=14So, no. of children who took part in survey=18×4=72d) no. of children who used taxi=30360×72=6

  • 3
a. Bus
  • 1
a) bus
d)6 out of 72 or 1/12th of total students
  • 1
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