Name the community skilled in forest cutting in Java. why did this community and the Dutch come into conflict with each other

  • The Kalangs of Java were experts in shifting cultivation and renowned for forest cutting skills.
  • They were sought after by the Dutch, but this community rebelled against them in 1770.
  • They were valuable for their kingdoms as without their expertise, harvesting teak and build palaces for the Kings would have been impossible.
  • But in the 18th century the Dutch began to gain control over the forests and they tried to make the Kalangs work under them without any form of compensation.
  • The Kalangs were not ready to work under anyone except for their own kings and so started resisting the Dutch.
  • In 1770, the Kalangs resisted by attacking a Dutch fort at Joana, but their revolt was brutally suppressed.

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