Meristematic cells have a prominent nucleus and dense cytoplasm but they lack vacuole.Give reason.

Vacuole is a cell organelle used to store waste materials and ergastic substances and usually big and more in number . As meristematic cells are actively dividing and young cells, they do not have any waste material to store so vacuoles are usually absent in the meristematic cells .
  • 16
Vacuole is a cell organelle used to store waste materials and usually big in plant cells. As meristematic cells are actively dividing , they do not have any waste material to store so vacuoles are usually absent in the meristematic cells .
  • 35
Meristematic tissues are dividing cells and vacolue are the cell organells used to store waste food thus they dont need to store any waste food so they lack vacolue
  • 55
Hum a 's answer is correct.
  • -6
Meristematic cells have a prominent nucleus and a dense cytoplasm but lack a vacuole, this is so because meristematic cells have an ability to divide and form new cell. Vacuoles have a function of storing food and other nutrients that a cell might need to survive. But, there is no point in storing food and other nutrients when the cell has to divide. Hope this Ans. is correct!!
  • 12
Hello, This is the answer to this question according to my knowledge.
This is so because meristamatic cells are active dividing and young cells. Vacuoles are used to store waste and organic products produced by the cells. As we know that dividing cells do not produce any waste, vacuoles are not needed here and therefore are absent.
Hope this helps!!!!!
  • -2
meristematic cells are very active and result in cell division. So they have a dense cytoplasm, large nucleus and a soft cell wall. Vacuoles show hinderence in meristematic cells because vacuoles are full of cell sap and thus show turgidity and rigidity in cel walls.
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they are dividing cells
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