List the different parts of the South Indian Temple. Explain any 2 of the two of them.

Dear Student,

The following points may help you:

a. Rulers of South India built huge temples which  were symbolic of power and wealth of the kings and were extremely rich.
b. Temples were considered important for economy and society.
c. Temples were symbolic of power , wealth and devotion of the patrons.
In South India, temples had elaborate gateways.
We may give example of sun temples, temples of Madhurai, Kanchipuram .
g. Some of the important features of these temples were :

i. They had a main  anctum with four sides.

ii.  These are basically pyramid shaped towers gradually progressing through small stroyes with dome at the top

iii.  They have the main hall, referred as Mahamandapa ,  it is here dances were performed.

iv. Garbhagriha: It is here  the image of deity was placed, all the rituals took place here.

v. Gopuram are the  elaborate ornamented  gateways .

vi. Pillars were also an important feature of South Indian temples.



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