Jaideep recently joined as the Managing Director
of 'Tivori Ltd.', an apparel designing company. He
observed that the company had a number of
experienced fashion designers on its payroll. They
regularly offered useful suggestions which were
neither appreciated nor rewarded by the
company. Instead the company outsourced its
services to some renowned fashion designers and
paid them a good compensation for their services.
Because of this the employees felt disheartened
and stopped giving useful suggestions.
(a) Identify the communication barrier discussed
(b) State the category of this communication
(c) Explain any other communication barrier of
the same category.

a) lack of trust of superior on subordinates.b) personal barrier. c)unwillingness to communicate.
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I think a) is lack of incentives :)
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I have written organisational barriers!!!
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I have written organisastional barriers..!!
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A) organisational barriers
B) types of organisational barriers
C) explain any other barrier like personal ,paychological etc .
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a)The communication barier discussed above is "Lack of Proper Incentive"
b) The category of communication barrier is "Personal Barrier"
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 (a) Organisational policy
(b) Organisational barrier which arises from organisational structure, authority relationships, rules and regulations etc.
(c) Other communication barriers of the same category are: (Any one)
(i) Rules and regulations
(ii) Status
(iii) Complexity in organisational structure.
(iv) Organisational facilities.

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