It is to be established by RHS congruence rule that triangle ABC is congruent to triangle RPQ.What additional information is needed ,if it is given that:-
Angle B=Angle P =90 degrees and AB =RP?

Dear Student,

Additional information required is the length of hypotenuse of two triangle.

RHS (Right Angle-Hypotenuse-Side) Congruence Theorem. Theorem : Two right triangles are congruent if the hypotenuse and one side of one triangle are respectively equal to the hypotenuse and the corresponding side of the other triangle.



  • 9
  • -4
Additional information needed - the length of the hypotenuse and the legs so that we can find out are the triangles congruent by using hypotenuse= Leg 1+ Leg 22.
  • -4
  • 1
Additional information needed - the length of the hypotenuse and the legs so that we can find out are the triangles congruent by using hypotenuse1= Leg 12+ Leg 23-
  • 3
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