it is not easy to be mean to people who are very nice to you do you think that young people had to work on giving himself valid reason to be able to commit the theft or did the theifing come as naturally to him this time too . Write a brief analysis of his mood before the theft(Chapter 2. Moments - The theif's story


The thief story revolves around the main character,Hari Singh who used to rob people by gaining their confidence. Hari met Anil at the wrestling match  and impressed him with the intention of cheating him. Anil was not a good earner. He was a writer who was struggling with his writing career. Anil didn't believe in spending money unnecessarily, though he decided to hire Hari for cooking food. Hari used to change his names so as to keep the records clean as this would keep the police blindfolded. When Hari saw Anil with a good amount of money, his mouth got watered and he decided to steal the money. He took undue advantage of Anil's generosity. But later he realized what Anil taught him. Uneducation had lead him the way to thefting. He recalled as long as he would remain uneducated, he could face the worst circumstances and would become a full time thief. He returned the money and hence, initiated the step that could completely change his life.

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Analysis of his mood before the thief.




The talker of ‘The Thief’s Story’ may be a malefactor. he's simply fifteen however AN tough and fairly eminent hand. He wont to amendment his name each month. This he did to avoid being in remission by the police. He worked for several employers. He wont to run away when cheating them. this point he introduced himself as Had Singh. Had Singh was a creative malefactor He knew a way to humour an individual like Anil. He known as Anil a small amount of a scrapper. He was AN knowledgeable in telling lies. He song that he knew a way to cook. He was an honest decide of men and also the scenario. He exploited Anil’s generosity and created cash by keeping aside a rupee for him from shopping for the day’s provides within the heat and excitement, Hari Singh forgot his love for education. He knew that if he were educated, he might earn respect, name and cash. No doubt, he broken Anil’s trust by stealing his cash. Soon, he completed that he had no friends and well-wishers. the sole one that knew and will facilitate him was Anil whom he had robbed a number of hours past. Anil’s large-heartedness and his love for education remodeled him within the finish. He came back to Anil and place the purloined a refund to the place from wherever it absolutely was purloined. Anil knew everything however he rewarded Hari Singh. He gave him a fifty-rupee note and secure to pay him frequently.

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