in a state with population of 75 x 10 raise to 6 ,45% of them know hindi,22%know english,18%know sanskrit.,12% know hindia and english,8%know english and sanskrit,10%know hindi and sanskrit,and 5%know ol three .

then answer wt is the nmbr of ppl who do not know any of these languagae,

how many ppl know hindi only

how many know sanskrit only

how many know eng only

nmbr of ppl who know only one language

and nmbr of ppl who know two language

Here all values are in percentage 
Here H circle represents hindi , E represents english and S represents sanskrit .

So Hindi = a + c + d + f = 45
English = c + d + b + e  = 22
Sanskrit = f + d + e + g = 18

English and hindi = c + d = 12
English and sanskrit = d + e = 8
Hindi and sanskrit = f  + d = 10
All three language = d = 3

So on solving the above equations we have
f = 7 , d = 3 , e = 5 , c = 9  , b = 5 , g = 3 , a = 26

So as U should be equal to hundred , hence
100 - ( a + b + c + d + e + f + g ) = 42

Hence 42 percent do not know any language

The people knows only hindi are a = 26 percent
Only sanskrit g = 3 percent
Only english b = 5 percent

Number of people who knows only one language = a + b + g = 34 percent

Number of people who know two languages = e  + c + f = 21 percent 

So for the exact value of peoples multiply all percentage value by 75 , 000 , 000 .

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