In a certain hospital, the mean birth rate of a week was 35. If the mean birth rate fom monday to thursday was 32 and that to of thursday to sunday was 36, find the number of births on thursday.

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Mean birth rate of the week = 35

∴Total births in the week = 35 × 7 = 245

Mean birth rate from Monday to ?Thursday = 32

∴Total births from Monday to Thursday = 32 × 4 = 128

Mean birth rate from Thursday to Sunday = 36

∴Total births from Thursday to Sunday = 36 × 4 = 144

Thus, Total births from Monday to Thursday + Total births from Thursday to Sunday = 128 + 144 = 272

⇒Total births from Monday to Sunday + Births on Thursday = 272

⇒Births on Thursday = 272 - 245 = 27

Therefore, number of births on Thursday = 27

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