imagine you r the sea gull write your experience of taking ur first flight in the form of diary entry

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz helpppppppppppppppppp

8 June, 2014
17 hrs

Dear diary, 
I was feeling so lonely without my family. My brothers and sisters had flown away and I was alone on the sledge. I wanted to fly with them but I was frightened when I looked at the vast expanse of the sea. I was sure my wings would not support me so I ran and hid in the small hole. Today I could see them all flying above and my parents were teaching them to perfect the art of flying. They had left me to starve. My mother was looking at me with hope in her eyes but I could not muster up the courage. Then my mother flew to me with a piece of fish in her beak, but she stopped just near me. I was so hungry that I leaped at the fish and found myself in the open. At first I was terror struck, then as I felt my wings move outwards and the wind on my body, I started soaring upwards and finally I could fly. It was a wonderful feeling to be able to  fly. In no time my family surrounded me and we all flew towards the sea happily.

M.N. Seagull

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