If poriferans are hermaphrodite, then why the sperms from one poriferan are released from its spongocoel and they fuse with other poriferan by entering into it through ostia? The whole process of sexual reproduction should take place in 1 poriferan only as they are hermaphrodite.

Dear student.

Hermaphrodites are organisms that have both sexes – male and female in a single body. Sponges are hermaphrodites as they bear both male and female reproductive organs in their body. Members of Porifera mostly prefer cross fertilization as they show a variation in the maturation of the ovary and the testis. In some cases the ovary matures first (which is known as protogynous) and in some other cases the testis mature first (known as protandrous). This is why sexual reproduction does not take place between the sex organs of a single Porifera.


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Hi. It does not take place becoz female mature earlier than male that is protogyny condition.
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