i told him with a conviction i did not feel.explain

Dear Student,
The writer was trying to locate two very small islands in the vast ocean. Their boat wouldn’t hold out until they reached Australia, so, to ensure their survival, it was very important that they were able to find these islands, one of which was a French scientific base. The writer frantically checked and rechecked their calculations, using a faulty compass. He had to even take into account variables like the influence of water currents in that part of the Indian Ocean. He then told his crew member to steer a course of 185 degrees and that, by doing so, they could expect to reach the island by 5 pm that evening. The writer knew full well that even very small errors in calculation could lead to them missing the islands altogether. Yet, he managed to sound very assuring and confident to the crew and his family that they would see the island – even though he didn’t feel any conviction in his heart, he made sure the rest of them heard a conviction in his voice at least.
Hope this answers your question. For further doubts, please ask on the forum and our experts will be happy to help you as soon as possible.

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