i need a speech on freedom is life in english

Freedom is life. Everybody wants to be free. Without freedom life becomes dull. Freedom means the opportunity to think and decide without the interference of any body. Freedom does not mean doing any thing without any concern for the laws or social customs. Freedom means absence of undue interference from others. Freedom means one should be free to chose a course of life in accordance with the just norms of the society. Freedom is one of the objectives of our life. This is a natural tendency within each of us.We all want freedom in social, political, economic and cultural life.Freedom is the condition of being free and the power to act,speak or think without restraint.

Freedom is a human right.Freedom can be viewed in many different forms such as social, economic, physical and political.There are limitations to every type of freedom because of the mans ability to abuse these freedoms.Economic or financial freedom is very important in today's life.With great freedom comes great responsibility.
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thank u shruti

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I am Shreya and I will express my views on freedom is life and it is very nice topic so you can write your own.
​What is freedom? Is it an absolute right? We are born to become free. Freedom is defined from different aspects ,and according to different cultures,freedom varies from culture to another.Some define freedom as a natural right,the human being is born with.Everyone wants to be free and independent from others.Freedom is the right to do what one wants,live where he wants,eat what he wants,learns what he wants,and chooses the religion in which he believes,without ignoring or harming other rights.

How can we live free? From my point of view, we can live free by respecting otherُs rights to live free too.We can not ignore the rights of people with whome we live in the society.We can not simply do what we want and ignore others.We must take other people rights into consideration.

The idea behind freedom is to be respectful and useful to our society.Freedom is important to evryone.If some one is deprived from this innate right,he will definitely feel as if he is not a respectfu human being.When freedom is guaranteed,I can think freely,go where i want,say my opinion without fear from people who would not like my opinion.Freedom of opinion is among the most important branches of freedom .In some societies where freedom of opinion is not guranteed by the authority,the creativity of mind is killed and burried.
Freedom is not absolute.Freedom must be limited.You can not just do what you like and say “I am a free man”.You can not kill,smuggle drugs or violate the laws and rules for freedom sake.There should be respect to other people and their needs.​Parents must teach their youngsters to be free.They must plant in them the love for freedom.But their freedom must be watched,it shoud not be witout limits.If so, we can censor their behaviour without fear from friends of our children.
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Freedom is the choice to live your life doing what you want, to live where you want, to eat by choice and to learn what your heart desires. ... Societies that promote freedom of opinion, thought, belief, expression, choice, etc. are those where creative minds flourish. Freedom does not come with independence.
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