I  Choose the correct option  -

 1) A)  Al and Eli go to the beach to surf with their friends.
     B) Al and Eli goes to the beach to surf with their friends.  

2) A) Either Gary or I am responsible for allocating the funds.
    B) Either Gary or I are responsible for allocating the funds.

3) A) Neither Tom nor Harry was willing to predict the election results 
    B) Neither Tom nor Harry were willing to predict the election results  

4) A) Short stories for boys is worth reading.
    B) Short stories for boys are worth reading.  

5) A) Neither the coach nor the player was at fault.
    B) Neither the coach nor the player were at fault.

6) A)  Our team was beaten by three goals to one. 
    B) Our team were beaten by three goals to one.


1.A 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.A

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