I am founding difficulty in doing Exercise-13c so please help me.
l. Draw a line AB. take a point X on it. Construct a perpendicular XY on it using set square. How many such lines can be drawn ?
2. Draw a line XY. Take a point A on it and construct a perpendicular AB using ruler and compasses. Measure X A B . Is it a right angle ?
3. Draw a line XY and take a point A not lying on it. Construct AB perpendicular to XY using set square and ruler. Verify that X A B = 90 ° .
​4. Draw an equilateral A B C  and using compasses and ruler construct a perpendicular from the vertex A to the side BC.
5. Draw a line l and take a point X on it. Through X, draw a line segment X Y ¯  perpendicular to l. Now draw a perpendicular to XY at Y using ruler and compasses.
6. Draw a line segment A B ¯  of length 8 cm. Draw its perpendicular bisector. Is it its line of symmetry?
7. Draw a line segment of length 9.8 cm. Construct its perpendicular bisector.
8. Draw a line segment AB and bisect it. Take one of the equal parts and bisect it to obtain a line segment of length 1 4 A B . Also obtain a line segment of length 3 4 A B .
9.Draw any circle with centre at O. Take any chord AB of this circle draw its perpendicular bisector CD. Does it pass through the centre of the circle?
10. Draw a circle of radius 6 cm. Draw two of its chords. Construct perpendicular bisector of their chords. Where do these two perpendicular bisectors meet ?

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