How will i represent numbers with more than 1 digit like 2.663 or 4.887 in a nuber line?

 (1) 6.28585 lies between 6 and 7. We divide the number line between 6 and 7 into 10 equal parts and magnify the distance between them.

(2) Now, 6.28585 lies between 6.2 and 6.3. To get the more accurate visualization, we divide the number line between them into 10 equal parts and magnify it.

(3) Now, 6.28585 lies between 6.28 and 6.29. We again divide the number line between them into 10 equal parts and magnify it.

(4) Now, 6.28585 lies between 6.285 and 6.286. We, thus, divide the number line between them into 10 equal parts and magnify it.

(5) Now, 6.28585 lies between 6.2858 and 6.2859. We finally divide the distance between them into 10 equal parts and magnify it. We can now mark 6.28585 on the number line.

By following these steps, we will obtain the following set of figures.



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imbaai... correctly answered the question.
Good effort!
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Keep writing!!!
This method is called Representation of a decimal number in successive magnification method which is to be studied in higher classes.

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