how to find adjective form of noun and verb form of noun- example by adding suffixes..............?

1. Adding suffix onto a noun is one of the ways of forming an adjective. Such words are known as adjective suffixes as they describe the nouns indicating a quality of something. For example:

a) By adding suffix '-ous' to a noun to form an adjective:

  • Danger + -ous = Dangerous
  • Poison+ -ous = Poisonous

b)  By adding suffix '-y' to a noun to form an adjective:

  • Juice+ -y = Juicy 
  • Rain+ -y = Rainy

2. Addition of a suffix at the end of a noun to form a verb is known as a verb suffix. For example:

a) Adding -en at the end of a noun forms the past participle form of a verb:

  • Broke + -en = Broken
  • Forgot + -en = Forgotten

b) By adding -ed at the end of a noun forms the past form of the verb:

  • Act + -ed = Acted
  • Attack + -ed = Attacked

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