How to convert this cumulative frequency series into a simple frequency series?

How to convert this cumulative frequency series into a simple frequency series? 4. Cumulative Frequency Distribution Quantity of Less than 5 10 15 20 25 30 Number of Buyers 8 18 30 47 50 Quantity of Milk More than 5 10 15 20 25 30 Number Of Buyers 30 42 32 20 3

Dear student

Less than Series
Class Interval No of Buyers
0-5 0
5-10 (8-0) = 8
10-15 (18-8) = 10
15-20 (30-18) = 12
20-25 (47-30) = 17
25-30 (50-47) = 3
More than
Class Interval No of buyers
5-10 (50-42) = 8
10-15 (42-32) = 10
15-20 (32-20) = 12
20-25 (20-3) = 17
25-30 (3-0) =0


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