How to conserve conventional sources of energy?

Energy needs to be conserved to cut costs and to preserve the resources for longer use. Conventional energy sources pollute the environment by emitting harmful gases into the atmosphere. Conventional energy sources are limited and might expire one day.
Ways to conserve conventional source of energy are-
1. Adjust your day-to-day behaviours to turn off devices and appliances when not in use. Purchase devices and appliances which consume less energy.
2.Adapt smart power strips: Do you know power or energy is consumed when the appliances are not in use. Yes, appliances draw power from outlets and are referred to as phantom loads. These smart power strips will help to cut down on phantom-load costs and save energy.
Refrigerators are one of the main appliances that consume power. Keep the setting of the refrigerator low to save energy.
3.Using CFL and LED bulbs to save energy. Regular incandescent bulbs consume more energy than CFL and LED.
4.Clean or replace air filters as recommended. Air conditioners (AC) and heaters consume more energy than other appliances. Cleaning or replacing air filters improves efficiency and consumes less energy.
5.Install water-saver showerheads to help with conserving hot water and save power.
6.Use a slow cooker, toaster oven, or microwave oven over a conventional oven. Also, use utensils made of ceramic and glass.

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