) How is the title ?The Last Lesson? appropriate ?

Dear Student,

The story has an appropriate and suggestive title. It is the center of attention throughout and the whole story revolves around it. The beginning of the story serves as preparation for it. The unusual quietness at school, presence of village elders and the teacher in his Sunday best dress-all point out to the unusual and unique occasion-the last lesson in French in a French village school in a district conquered by the Prussians. While delivering the last lesson, the teacher wants to transmit all his knowledge in one go. He explains everything with patience and the students, as well as old villagers, listen attentively.
For the narrator, it is an unforgettable experience. “Ah, how well I remember it, that last lesson,” says he. Old Hauser is crying and his voice trembled with emotion. As the teacher is unable to express His emotions because of the choked throat, he ends the lesson by writing Wive La France’ on the blackboard. He makes a gesture with his hand to indicate that the school is dismissed and students can go home.


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The chapter is titled the last lesson because it was M.Hamel's last session as well as last French lesson in the school.
In the last day of school M.Hamel wore his fine Sunday clothes as a mark of respect for the language and culture is being invaded by the foreigners. He was feeling nostalgic as well as repentant.His speech is an attempt to make the audience concious about the absurdity of not been able to speak or write ones native language. He feels that ones language can serve as a ray of hope in times of enslavement and captivity.
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Ans.? The title ?The Last Lesson? by Alphonse Daudet is apt and appropriate. The whole story focuses on the last lesson delivered by M. Hamel. The lesson reveals how much people should care for their language. It is for the first time that people came to realise the value of their language. The story highlights a situation where the people of Alsace felt that there was plenty of time to learn their lessons and so did not give due importance to school. They sent their children to work on farms and mills instead of having them learn their lessons. Even Franz looked for opportunities to escape school and was never serious about learning his lessons. Quite unexpectedly they receive orders from Berlin that French will no longer be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. It is then that they realise what they had been evading all this while will now be deprived to them. They awaken to the course of safeguarding their language and reach to attend the last lesson taught by M. Hamel, the French teacher. The story evokes a consciousness in the reader that he must learn his lessons in time. One can never apprehend which day of life he may be learning his last lesson.
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