how hemoglobin is red in colour

Dear Student,

Haemoglobin is the red coloured oxygen-carrying pigment present in the blood of higher vertebrates. Haemoglobin is red in colour due the presence of haeme, the iron pigment component.

Hope this clears your doubt,


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because of the presence of rbc (red blood cells)

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 Hemoglobin is the iron containing oxygen-transporting metalloprotein in the red blood cells of all vertebrates.As sidharth said hemoglobin is red because of the rbc present in it.

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The iron atom is the portion of the hemoglobin molecule that gives the entire molecule oxygen-attracting properties.  When oxygen binds to the hemoglobin molecule, its association with the iron atom causes a change in color of the entire molecule.Thus the iron present in the blood gives the red colour.

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haemoglobin is present in rbc cells and not the other way round..!!

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i was under the immpression that heaomglobin is not of red colour... it becomes red only after the binding with oxygen(oxy haemoglinbin).. is that right?!?!

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