how does the packaging increase the amount of garbage?  

Packaging increases the amount of waste because there are polythenes, thermocoles, and cardboards used for packaging. This way it increases the amount of waste generated.
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it is because when we take any things it is full of polythene. we eat it throw it. see the picture how it we also say this is a days most of people poluted our country. everybody nows that our india is second poputed country. they all are ignore it.. nobody can follow why polythene pack are increases. see here downside.
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Packaging increases the amount of garbage as we keep on throwing the packaging?materials carelessly on roads and other places. Also, since these packaging materials?(mainly plastic covers) are non-recyclable, they keep lying on the roads and cannot be?properly disposed off. Sometimes, they get into drains and sewer systems and block?them, creating more problems.
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Oh my God
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very good jahanvi
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because the packaging is of plastic
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Do you know why nickel and cobalt are used tell in 20words
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Packaging increases the amount of waste because there are polythenes, thermocoles, and cardboards used for packaging. This way it increases the amount of waste generated. it is because when we take any things it is full of polythene. ... nobody can follow why polythene pack are increases.
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packing increases the amount of garbage because it is itself a garbage 
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